VIDEO FEATURE | What is the most desired work perk?

HR Grapevine For HR, work perks play an important role in helping the function to achieve some of the things that it is tasked with looking after, from attracting and retaining top talent to retaining existing employees. So, what is the most desired work perk among UK staff? Sophie Parrott, Online Editor at HR Grapevine…

Employment | HR roles fell by 38% year-on-year in 2020

HR Grapevine Vacancies for HR specialists dropped by 38.1% year-on-year in 2020, according to new research from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo). The data, provided by Vacancysoft, revealed that the year-on-year reduction in HR roles could largely be attributed to the first lockdown in the UK. Already have an account? You can access…