Pay packet | HR salaries sit below UK average earnings

HR Grapevine A new survey has found that HR professionals are taking home an average salary of GBP23,583 which is below the UK average. With Office for National Statistics (ONS) data, as compiled by Ezra, finding that the UK average is circa GBP25,000, it appears that those in the people function are taking home six…

VIDEO FEATURE | Are Zoom-free Fridays the way forward?

HR Grapevine Since the pandemic hit, and many employees were forced to work from home, a surge in ‘Zoom fatigue’ has risen, where staff members are feeling more drained and tired as a result of the huge number of video calls. But one organisation is working to combat this. Jade Burke, Online Editor of myGrapevine,…

Top tips | 3 ways HR can get better at age inclusivity

HR Grapevine According to data released in Workforce’s 2019 Ageism in the Workplace Study, the number of age-related discrimination charges filed with employers and the EEOC by workers aged 65-plus doubled from 1990 to 2017. The same study noted that 44% of employees reported that they or someone they knew had experienced age discrimination in…

Where to Locate Your Shared Services Center

Locating a shared services center involves trade-offs related to cost, operating environment and talent. Shared services leaders need a rigorous approach to gauge those trade-offs and identify potential locations before making a final decision. Research from the Gartner Finance practice identifies for shared services leaders four location clusters that can help them narrow their search.…

Remote work | Slack’s UK head on employees growing closer

HR Grapevine Employees have come up against new challenges since working remotely, from getting used to communicating via tech to working alone in their homes. But it seems despite these challenges, workers are now feeling like they have grown closer to their colleagues as result of the new way of working. Already have an account?…