Jobs market | Over half of UK firms plan to hire staff

HR Grapevine More than half of all UK employers intend to hire additional staff within the next three months, according to the latest study released this week by the CIPD, showing what it called the ‘first positive signs’ of employment expanding for over a year, as reported by the BBC. According to the research, 56%…

Equality | 5 ways firms can become more LGBT+ inclusive

HR Grapevine In 2021, promoting diversity and inclusion within the workforce forms the basis of any strong company. Despite this, it seems that many groups still face adversity in the workplace. As data has pointed towards, one of the groups is the LGBT+ community. According to Catalyst, one-fifth of LGBT+ workers have experienced discrimination within…

Gartner Top 10 Data and Analytics Trends for 2021

When COVID-19 hit, organizations using traditional analytics techniques that rely heavily on large amounts of historical data realized one important thing: Many of these models are no longer relevant. Essentially, the pandemic changed everything, rendering a lot of data useless. In turn, forward-looking data and analytics teams are pivoting from traditional AI techniques relying on…