NEW PODCAST | HR tips for long-term homeworking

In the last few weeks, several firms have indicated a move away from in-person work post-pandemic. In this week’s episode of the podcast, Sophie Parrott, Online Editor at HR Grapevine, sits down with Kieran Howells, Deputy Editor at Executive Grapevine Digital Media, to share tips for the people function for long-term homeworking. The pair share…

Future growth | Technology requires the human touch

Continual development and advances in technology are inevitable and the HR Professional may feel like a sci-fi movie extra when looking at the future of HR management. Talk of Artificial Intelligence, Chat Bots and Robotic Automation is prevalent and the human side of the job can take something of a back seat to the ‘rise…

Landmark case classes Uber drivers as workers

The UK Supreme Court has declared that Uber, a ride hailing service, must treat their drivers as workers as opposed to self-employed individuals. This decision comes after Uber appealed a ruling by an employment tribunal in 2016 which also sided with the drivers, classing them as workers. This means that drivers will be entitled to…