The Art of the One-Page Strategy

Fit organizations — those that perform well in any market condition — distinguish themselves in part because they are great at creating, articulating and executing strategy in a way that maximizes results. CIOs, for their part, have to help the enterprise understand how information and technology enable business capabilities that drive business success. “CIOs can…

You Can Find Digital Skills in Non-IT Functions

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation initiatives for most organizations. Looking ahead, competition for digital skills will only intensify. Learn more: Successfully Source Digital Talent “Recruiting leaders must proactively enhance their sourcing capabilities to ensure they can fuel the business with critical digital skills quickly and affordably,” says John Mattox, Senior Principal, Advisory, Gartner. “When…

4 Modes of Collaboration Are Key to Success in Hybrid Work

Recent Gartner research found that 71% of HR leaders are more concerned about employee collaboration this year than they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. How valid are these concerns, and what needs to be done to protect and drive collaboration and innovation in today’s remote and hybrid working environments? It’s true that when employees aren’t…

The ESG Imperative: 7 Factors for Finance Leaders to Consider

The pressure on organizations to meet environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria is more widespread than most finance leaders might realize — 85% of investors considered ESG factors in their investments in 2020. Recent Gartner research presented at Gartner CFO and Finance Executive Conference highlights the importance of managing financial stakeholders’ perceptions of their companies’…

Healthcare Data Storage and Other Innovations Head to the Cloud

If you’ve visited a doctor lately, you may have experienced how your healthcare data — records, scans, prescriptions — is increasingly accessible wherever you interact with a healthcare provider. But you don’t control your own healthcare data storage. Enter cloud-based solutions. Although still immature, cloud-based healthcare data storage is an emerging solution with potential to…

CEOs See Growth in 2021, Marked by 3 Shifts

For most of 2020, CEOs focused their energy and resources on their response to the COVID-19-bred business operations emergency. Those that could repurposed operations and supply chains to provide needed supplies and services: Clothing manufacturers made masks and PPE; chemical companies made hand sanitizer; transportation companies rerouted ships and airplanes to deliver ventilators. But now…