How to Create an Excel Timesheet for Employee Hours

Keeping track of employee hours is one of the most basic functions of the human resources department. Aside from facilitating payroll, it also ensures compliance with US labor laws and FLSA timekeeping requirements.  In this post, we’ll take a look at why it’s so important to keep track of your employees’ schedules. We’ll also share…

How to Measure Company Culture: A Quick Guide

Company culture, or organizational culture, is intangible yet very impactful on organizational performance. Culture refers to the consistent organizational behaviors (norms) of employees and leaders. Organizational culture often mirrors the organization’s core values but is a direct reflection of the organization’s leadership. Some of those intangible behaviors are how are decisions made – top-down or…

Stay Up to Date with This HR Compliance Checklist

HR compliance is a critical role of any human resources department. Aside from protecting you from costly fines and penalties, compliance also has a positive influence on employee performance and development, retention, and hiring. This is why a comprehensive HR compliance checklist is such a valuable tool for HR managers. It helps you stay compliant,…